Thank you for helping!
There are many ways to help others, be it direct material aid, financial contribution to our projects, or just regular shopping in popular e-shops.
Support one of our projects via the most famous Czech donation portal, the Via Foundation.
Shop in your favorite e-shop via the portal and choose help for CHARITA HVĚZDA z.s.
You will be pleasantly surprised how many online stores help those in need for FREE.
Do you want to help us with every purchase and also provide us with a one-time contribution of CZK 30?
Install the Givt helper by clicking on the link below, register, and not only will you see how much will give us for each of your purchases, but it will also alert you to the possibility of supporting us at each supported e-shop.
Everything is again FREE for you and you don't pay anything extra!
or donations can be made directly to our account
Choose an amount and scan the code
Only available for Czech banks. For international payment, please use the IBAN format on the page Contact. Thank you.

Donate 100 CZK

Donate 500 CZK

Donate 1000 CZK
Should you need a gift certificate, contact us.
Do you need an international account format?